class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # ECON 366: Energy Economics ] .subtitle[ ## Topic 3.1: Electricity Basics ] .author[ ### Andrew Leach, Professor of Economics and Law ] .date[ ###
] --- <!--[test link](weekly_jan_18.html#featured-chart)--> <style type="text/css"> blockquote { border-left: .2px solid #275d38; margin: -5px 80px -5px 20px; padding-top: -0.5px; padding-bottom: -0.5px; line-height: 1.35em; } .question { background: #f9f9f9; margin: -5px 80px -5px 20px; padding-top: 0.5px; padding-bottom: 0.5px; padding-left: 15px; line-height: 1.35em; } .cite { margin: -20px 80px -25px 80px; padding-top: -0.5px; padding-bottom: -0.5px; line-height: 1.25em; font-size: 20px; } .cite_fn1 { margin: -20px 80px -25px 50px; padding-top: -0.5px; padding-bottom: -0.5px; line-height: 1.25em; font-size: 20px; } .cite_fn2 { margin: -20px 80px -25px 50px; padding-top: -0.5px; padding-bottom: -0.5px; line-height: 1.25em; font-size: 20px; } .space blockquote { margin: -25px 50px -25px 50px; padding-top: -0.5px; padding-bottom: -0.5px; } .space blockquote p { line-height: 1em; } .site_link{ font-size: 16px; } </style> # Electricity Basics At the end of this section, you should feel comfortable answering all of these questions: - What are the main sectors of the electricity industry? - What do we mean by peak loads? - What's a merit order? - What is the difference between energy and capacity? You should also feel (more) comfortable with (some) electricity units: - kW, kWh, MW, MWh, volts, watts, amp, Hz --- # Why should you care about electricity? - Price volatility: - Electricity prices are an order of magnitude more volatile than oil or gas prices - Both supply and demand in Alberta affect us more than global or regional supplies and demands in oil and gas markets - New technology: - Electricity is, arguably, changing faster than any other energy market - Alberta's electricity market is entering a period of market- and regulatory-driven transition - Economics 101 in action - Nowhere else will you see supply and demand curves actually mapped out in real time determining prices as clearly as in Alberta's power market --- # Why should you care about electricity? - Application of other concepts you learned in 101, 102, 281, etc. - regulation of natural monopolies - collusion and oligopoly - externalities - capture theory --- <!-- # Volatility --> <!-- ```{r, out.width="1000px", fig.retina = 1,fig.align="center"} --> <!-- knitr::include_graphics("loads_clean.png") --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- --- --> <!-- # Volatility --> <!-- ```{r, out.width="1000px", fig.retina = 1,fig.align="center"} --> <!-- knitr::include_graphics("peak_prices.png") --> <!-- ``` --> <!-- --- --> # Volatility <img src="images/prices_and_loads_ep.png" width="1000px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # New Technology (Source: [MPower]( <img src="images/grid_storage.png" width="870px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # New Technology (Source: [Brian Batholomew]( <img src="images/cali_batts.jpg" width="1000px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # New Technology <img src="images/renew_clean.png" width="1000px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Econ 101 in Action! <img src="images/merit_type.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Market Participants - Generation - Transmission - Distribution - Ancillary Services - Load (users) - Storage - Microgeneration --- # Market Regulation in Alberta - Generation is a competitive market - Transmission is regulated on a cost-of-service basis - Distribution (local wires) is regulated through [performance-based regulation]( - Ancillary Services is a competitive market - Load (i.e. customers) may contract for electricity supply (i.e. retail is competitive) - Storage (Still a lot TBD, but depends on the sector in which it's built) - Microgeneration (free market for self-supply) --- # Energy units - electricity - Watts: measure of capacity (instantaneous production, installed capacity, or instantaneous demand) - Alberta system demand or internal load: e.g. 10,700 MW (megawatts or million watts) - Capital Power's Genessee 3 power plant has a nameplate capacity of 450 MW - Watt hours: measure of energy (production or demand during a given period of time; i.e. flow through) - Production over a day, week, month, year - A 7.5W LED bulb on all day (24hr) uses 180Wh of electricity (.18kWh) - Volts: measure of the electrical potential or the ability to convert charge to power (Watts=amps x volts) - Transmission lines: 150-765 kV - Distribution lines: 13,800 Volts - Household wiring: 120-240 (110/220) Volts --- # Usage in my house <img src="images/power_use_day.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Energy Prices - Electricity prices: expressed in power delivered over time - Cents/kilowatt-hour (c/kWh) - Dollars per megawatt-hour (\$/MWh) - Levelized costs of electricity (supply costs) in \$/MWh - Capacity costs are expressed in a cost per megawatt or cost of capacity - Genessee 3 cost approximately \$1.5 million/MW or \$1.50 per watt to build - Solar panel prices have declined to now lie under \$1/W of capacity - Balance of system costs imply that a solar system costs \$2-3/W of installed capacity - Other prices matter for electricity markets as well - Renewable energy credits (usually prices in \$/MWh) - Emissions credits or permits (\$/tonne) - Capacity payments (\$/MW) - GHG or other emissions permits or credits (\$/tonne) --- # North American Electricy Regions (Source: [Level 10 Energy]( <img src="images/grid.png" width="820px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # North American Electricy Markets (Source: [Level 10 Energy]( <img src="images/markets.png" width="820px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Electricity Sector: Regulatory characteristics - Rate-regulated or or state-owned utilities - EPCOR (legacy) or BC Hydro - PG & E in California - Competitive markets - Energy only markets: ERCOT and Alberta - Energy and capacity markets: MISO, PJM - Real-time vs day-ahead prices: PJM and others have day-ahead market and then a real-time differences market - Many other design characteristic differences between restructured or competitive markets --- # Alberta Wholesale Energy Market Design - Energy-only market (single price, $/MWh) - Real time, spot pricing, no day-ahead market - Single node - Capacity market was contemplated, but not pursued Ancillary services: - separate, competitive market for operating reserves, transmission-must-run, load-shed and black start --- # Alberta Transmission - Regulated monopoly within a service area - Congestion free (no nodal pricing) across the province - No transmission rights - Paid for (mostly) by load (consumers) --- # Nodal Pricing Example ( Source: CAISO) <img src="images/cali_nodes.png" width="820px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # The Alberta Wholesale Market - Suppliers place offers of power at particular price - Generators must offer, must run - Demand-side bids placed for power with a maximum price - Supply offers are sorted from low to high - Demand offers are sorted from high to low - Marginal price is set at the price which equates supply and demand - economics 101 at work! - Import and renewable supply is bid-in at \$0, but everyone receives the market price - Export demand is bid-in at \$999, so they do not set the price directly but pay the marginal price - Renewables default offer at zero - Consumer default bid allows AESO to go up merit order to meet observed demand --- # Econ 101 in Action! <img src="images/merit_type.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Econ 101 in Action! <img src="images/bids.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Equilibrium Supply <img src="images/gen_mix.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Equilibrium Supply <img src="images/renew_mix.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Demand side of the market <img src="images/aeso_stats.png" width="1000px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Demand side of the market <img src="images/hourly_loads.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Demand side of the market <img src="images/loads_clean.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Equilibrium Prices <img src="images/prices_and_loads_week.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Equilibrium Prices <img src="images/hourly_prices.png" width="1200px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # What is considered on-peak, off-peak? What's a super peak? - The AESO uses four different time blocks: on-peak, off-peak, AM super peak, and PM super peak - Time definitions generally use *hour ending*, e.g. 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. is HE18 (HE=hour ending 18:00) The four different time blocks are: - On-peak: HE 8-23 - Off-peak: HE 1-7 and HE 24 - AM super peak: HE 6-8 - PM super peak: HE 17-24 in November, December and January and HE 18-24 in all other months AESO uses these 7 days of the week. My graphs count Sundays and holidays as off-peak. --- # Up Next - generation mix here and elsewhere in Canada - plant costs - plant revenues - levelized cost of electricity (equiv. supply costs) - challenges of renewable integration - market power and market power mitigation (see [here]( - distribution and transmission regulation - government policies (GHG and renewable procurement)