Filtering Demo
The concept of a filter is going to be really useful to you through the year, so I thought it was worth a quick look into the idea of binary (TRUE/FALSE) conditions, since we use them a lot in economics data. I’m going to show you all the code for this demo so that you have it all in front of you.
True or False
Let’s start with some basic ideas: filtering is based around conditions being true or false, which the computer will recognize with a binary or [0,1] variable. For example, if I enter (1==2)
in r, I’ll get a reply of FALSE
. Try it. And, if I force a numeric value, I’ll get as.numeric(1==2)=``0
You can do this with standard operators:
, which means “is equal to” and the double-equal-sign is used to distinguish it from assignment 1 to be equal to 2, which you would not want to do;<
, for example, try(1<2)
in r and you’ll getTRUE
. For \(\leq\), you can use <=. Try to enter(1<=2)
in r and you’ll getTRUE
, for example, try(1>2)
in r and you’ll getFALSE
. For \(\geq\), you can use >=. Try to enter(1>=2)
in r and you’ll getFALSE
;- you can also check for elements in a set. For example, lets’ use the set
which is a sequence of 1 to 10 counting by ones:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I can then create set of tested items:
Or, I could check whether a particular number is in my set:
print(6 %in% test_set)
[1] TRUE
and, just to show you that it works:
print(6.5 %in% test_set)
I can also stack conditions:
print( (6.5 %in% test_set)|(6 %in% test_set)) #or
[1] TRUE
print( (6.5 %in% test_set)&(6 %in% test_set)) #and
And, one other function which might be useful is a logical lookup, grepl
grepl(6, test_set)
grepl(6.5, test_set)
Using this with data
Let me show you this with one of the other data sets from the CER Energy Futures report, on crude oil production.
#we'll download the data - remember to use the mode="wb" so that you get the windows binary file
download.file("",destfile = "cer_crude.csv",mode="wb")
<- read_csv("cer_crude.csv")%>%clean_names() cer_crude
Now, let’s look at the first 10 observations, just as they were read into memory with not alterations:
#use the first 10 observations from the data
%>% head(10)%>% kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
cer_crude kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value |
1 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2005 | 522 |
2 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2006 | 619 |
3 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2007 | 652 |
4 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2008 | 620 |
5 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2009 | 722 |
6 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2010 | 703 |
7 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2011 | 810 |
8 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2012 | 817 |
9 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2013 | 835 |
10 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2014 | 842 |
Now, just to build your initution, let’s do a couple of things with a column we’ll call test. First, let’s use a new column called test to identify all the observations with a value greater than 100:
#use the first 20 observations from the data
%>% head(20)%>%
cer_crude mutate(test=value>100)%>%
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value | test |
1 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2005 | 522 | TRUE |
2 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2006 | 619 | TRUE |
3 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2007 | 652 | TRUE |
4 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2008 | 620 | TRUE |
5 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2009 | 722 | TRUE |
6 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2010 | 703 | TRUE |
7 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2011 | 810 | TRUE |
8 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2012 | 817 | TRUE |
9 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2013 | 835 | TRUE |
10 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2014 | 842 | TRUE |
11 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2015 | 850 | TRUE |
12 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2016 | 931 | TRUE |
13 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2017 | 1028 | TRUE |
14 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2018 | 1059 | TRUE |
15 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2019 | 1114 | TRUE |
16 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2020 | 1099 | TRUE |
17 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2021 | 1145 | TRUE |
18 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2022 | 1186 | TRUE |
19 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2023 | 1204 | TRUE |
20 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2024 | 1204 | TRUE |
Now, let’s do the same test but, instead of creating a new column, I’m going to filter on that test and keep only the observations with value>100:
#use the first 20 observations from the data
%>% head(20)%>%
cer_crude filter(value>100)%>%
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value |
1 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2005 | 522 |
2 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2006 | 619 |
3 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2007 | 652 |
4 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2008 | 620 |
5 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2009 | 722 |
6 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2010 | 703 |
7 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2011 | 810 |
8 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2012 | 817 |
9 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2013 | 835 |
10 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2014 | 842 |
11 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2015 | 850 |
12 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2016 | 931 |
13 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2017 | 1028 |
14 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2018 | 1059 |
15 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2019 | 1114 |
16 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2020 | 1099 |
17 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2021 | 1145 |
18 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2022 | 1186 |
19 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2023 | 1204 |
20 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2024 | 1204 |
Now, let’s do the same thing with a string, to generate a column for a true/false test on whether the variable is "Conventional Light"
#use the first 20 observations from the data
%>% head(20)%>%
cer_crude mutate(test=variable=="Conventional Light")%>%
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value | test |
1 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2005 | 522 | FALSE |
2 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2006 | 619 | FALSE |
3 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2007 | 652 | FALSE |
4 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2008 | 620 | FALSE |
5 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2009 | 722 | FALSE |
6 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2010 | 703 | FALSE |
7 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2011 | 810 | FALSE |
8 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2012 | 817 | FALSE |
9 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2013 | 835 | FALSE |
10 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2014 | 842 | FALSE |
11 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2015 | 850 | FALSE |
12 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2016 | 931 | FALSE |
13 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2017 | 1028 | FALSE |
14 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2018 | 1059 | FALSE |
15 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2019 | 1114 | FALSE |
16 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2020 | 1099 | FALSE |
17 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2021 | 1145 | FALSE |
18 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2022 | 1186 | FALSE |
19 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2023 | 1204 | FALSE |
20 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | (Upgraded Bitumen) | 2024 | 1204 | FALSE |
Now, let’s do the same test but, instead of creating a new column, I’m going to filter on that test and keep only the observations for which variable is "Conventional Light"
#use the first 20 observations from the data
%>% head(20)%>%
cer_crude filter(variable=="Conventional Light")%>%
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value |
Groups, Step by Step
Here are a couple of hints for filtering by groups of characteristics. For example, you might wish to look at the CER data for a set of oil production types.
Let’s see what we’re dealing with. You can use the command unique
with a single column to see all the different values that appear in that column. For example:
# A tibble: 8 × 1
1 (Upgraded Bitumen)
2 C5+
3 Total
4 Conventional Heavy
5 Conventional Light
6 Field Condensate
7 In Situ Bitumen
8 Mined Bitumen
The nice thing about printing it out like that is you can cut and paste from the output, so you won’t miss any weird spacing that was in the data.
Let’s assume I want to make a graph or a table using only bitumen production data. I could approach this a couple of different ways:
- I could use a filter with two conditions
(variable=="Mined Bitumen")
and(variable=="In Situ Bitumen")
separated by an|
cer_crude filter((variable=="Mined Bitumen")|(variable=="In Situ Bitumen"))%>%
#use the first 20 observations from the data
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value |
6385 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2005 | 438 |
6386 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2006 | 494 |
6387 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2007 | 536 |
6388 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2008 | 583 |
6389 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2009 | 664 |
6390 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2010 | 752 |
6391 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2011 | 847 |
6392 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2012 | 990 |
6393 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2013 | 1106 |
6394 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2014 | 1263 |
6395 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2015 | 1377 |
6396 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2016 | 1392 |
6397 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2017 | 1544 |
6398 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2018 | 1570 |
6399 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2019 | 1546 |
6400 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2020 | 1494 |
6401 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2021 | 1656 |
6402 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2022 | 1671 |
6403 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2023 | 1762 |
6404 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2024 | 1797 |
- I could create a set
bitumen_set=c("Mined Bitumen","In Situ Bitumen")
and filter based on membership in the set:
<-c("Mined Bitumen","In Situ Bitumen")
cer_crude filter(variable %in% bitumen_set)%>%
head(20)%>% #use the first 20 observations from the filtered data
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value |
6385 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2005 | 438 |
6386 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2006 | 494 |
6387 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2007 | 536 |
6388 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2008 | 583 |
6389 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2009 | 664 |
6390 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2010 | 752 |
6391 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2011 | 847 |
6392 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2012 | 990 |
6393 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2013 | 1106 |
6394 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2014 | 1263 |
6395 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2015 | 1377 |
6396 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2016 | 1392 |
6397 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2017 | 1544 |
6398 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2018 | 1570 |
6399 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2019 | 1546 |
6400 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2020 | 1494 |
6401 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2021 | 1656 |
6402 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2022 | 1671 |
6403 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2023 | 1762 |
6404 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2024 | 1797 |
Layered filters
You can layer filters.
For example, if I wanted just Alberta bitumen production, I could do this (note, I’m using all the data at the start, then trimming after the filters):
#use all the data
<-c("Mined Bitumen","In Situ Bitumen")
cer_crude filter(variable %in% bitumen_set)%>%
filter(region == "Alberta")%>%
kbl(escape = FALSE,table.attr = "style='width:80%;'",digits=2,align=rep('c', 2)) %>%
kable_styling(fixed_thead = T,bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed","responsive"),full_width = T)%>%
x1 | scenario | unit | region | variable | year | value |
6385 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2005 | 438 |
6386 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2006 | 494 |
6387 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2007 | 536 |
6388 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2008 | 583 |
6389 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2009 | 664 |
6390 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2010 | 752 |
6391 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2011 | 847 |
6392 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2012 | 990 |
6393 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2013 | 1106 |
6394 | Canada Net-zero | Thousand Barrels per day | Alberta | In Situ Bitumen | 2014 | 1263 |
And, since you’ve made it this far, here’s a bonus that you might find useful:
<-c("In Situ Bitumen","Mined Bitumen")
cer_crude mutate(scenario=as_factor(scenario),
scenario=fct_relevel(scenario,"Current Measures")
)filter(variable %in% bitumen_set)%>%
filter(unit=="Thousand Barrels per day")%>%
filter(region %in% c("Alberta"))%>%
ggplot()+ #make a graph
scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(), expand=c(0,0))+
scale_y_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(), expand=c(0,0))+
scale_color_viridis("",option = "A",discrete=T,begin = 0,end = .8, direction=-1)+
theme(legend.position = "bottom", = "vertical",
legend.margin=margin(t = 0,b=0, unit='cm'))+
#t, r, b, l (To remember order, think trouble)
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,0.2,1), "cm"))+
guides(color = guide_legend(keywidth = unit(1,"cm"),keyheight = unit(1,"cm"),nrow = 1),
linetype = guide_legend(keywidth = unit(1.6,"cm"),nrow = 1))+
labs(y="Production (Thousands bbl/d)",x="",
title="Alberta Bitumen Production",
subtitle="CER Current Measures, Canada Net-Zero and Global Net-Zero Scenarios",
caption = "Data via Canadian Energy Regulator, Energy Futures (2023). Graph by Andrew Leach"
I hope some of this is helpful for you.