Econ 366 demo
R Econ 366
You should be able to do anything you need to do for this class in R and a special feature called R Markdown. I’m bascially going to teach you to code in R in code chunks that you can adapt to the tasks you need and this will make it easy for me and others to see how you’ve done the work, and will teach you to write self-contained code.
For today’s demo, we’re going to go through a quick exercise to download some basic data from an open-data website and use that data to make a quick graph, with everything produced in an HTML file. Sound cool?
Installing R and R Studio
The first thing you’ll want to do, if you haven’t done so already, is to install R and the editor RStudio. Once you have those installed, you’re ready to create a basic R Markdown document. This document from Earth Lab provides a great introduction, on which I’ll base some of what follows here on their introduction. You can also watch this video. If you can create a new RMarkdown document and render (knit) it, and that’s the skill you’ll use for all the assignments in the class.
The RStudio Environment
When you open RStudio, you’ll see a 4-tile scree with an editor (top-left), a command-line (Console) interface (bottom-right), an envirionment and history pane (top-right) and a file and package explorer and viewer pane (bottom right).
You can try to create a new R markdown document from the File menu and then knit it just to see how it works.
R Packages
Base R has a lot of functionality, but one of the strengths (and challenges) of R is that it relies on packages which make lots of very powerful data work possible, but also mean that two people can attack a problem in R in very different ways. When I look back at some of my old R code, it’s almost incomprehensible because I used to use a very different set of packages than I use today. For most of the work in this class, we’ll rely on the tidyverse so you can install that package to get going. You can check with packages you have installed in this window:
If you don’t have the tidyverse package installed, install it now. I would also recommend that you also install a package called janitor for the purpose of data cleaning, and I’ll use it in this code.
Now, there are basically three ways you can run commands in R to process data: 1) scripts; 2) console or command line; and 3) Markdown documents (RMarkdown or Quarto).
A script is like a recipe card: a sequence of commands in a text file that you can execute one at a time or all at once. When you execute code from a script, it’s the equivalent of cutting and pasting each command into the console in sequence. And, markdown documents are combinations of code and text that allow you to produce integrated documents that read data and present output all in one place.
Let’s use the next section for a little demo. When you start R in RStudio, it loads some basic packages (the commands and features you’ll use) but there’s a lot of customisation that comes from packages. But, you need to tell R which packages to load, and you load packages using the library command. Unless a package is loaded, or referenced in a command (we’ll come to that), it won’t be available for your code. You could do that in a script, at the command line, or in a code chunk in an RMarkdown document. Let me show you two examples with the following packages:
In a script, I could have the two commands like this and then, when I click run, it will execute the commands in order from my cursor. Or, I can highlight a single or multiple commands and press [crtl+enter] to run them.
Alternatively, I could use a command line entry to read in a package, although I’d almost never recommend doing this. Keep your commands in scripts.
And, I could also have the commands in a code chunk in a markdown document and the commands will be executed when I knit the file.
I thought, for today’s demo, we would start with a data set that lets me introduce you to some of the features of R and R Markdown: Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, for which an open data page is available. We’re going to download data by economic sector that is available here.
My recommendation would be just to do this one in a script, and leave R-markdown for next time. So, for each of the commands I am showing you, copy them into a script, run them, and see if you can see what they’re doing.
The first thing we’re going to ask R to do is to download those data. You don’t have to download a local copy of the data, but I tend to find it’s helpful, so we’ll do that here. To get the link, use a right-click on the data you want to download (although I have given you the link below):
# I'm giving it a simpler name ghg_data.csv
# old link was"",
# mode= wb is "windows binary" and works more reliably than the default in my experience
destfile = "ghg_data.csv",mode="wb")
Next, we want to read the data into R from the file we created. I am also going to use janitor to clean the data names (it will take out spaces, upper case letters, and other things that are hard to deal with in code).
<-read.csv("ghg_data.csv") %>% clean_names() ghg_data
That code also lets me demonstrate to you a key attribute of the tidyverse, the pipe (%>%
) which allows you to pass data from one command to another. So, in that code, I am defining ghg_data
to be the product of the data I read in from the csv, passed through the janitor function clean_names()
. Trust me, this will be natural for you in no time.
And, since we have the data in, we can start to do some work with the data. You can, as you get used to working in R, have a look at the CSV file so you know what you’re dealing with, or you can use some R commands to have a look. For example (yes, I know, I told you not to look at the command line) you could type this in the console:
year region index source sector
1 1990 Northwest Territories and Nunavut 35 Buildings Residential
2 1990 Northwest Territories and Nunavut 36 Agriculture
3 1990 Northwest Territories and Nunavut 37 Agriculture On Farm Fuel Use
4 1990 Northwest Territories and Nunavut 40 Waste
5 1990 Northwest Territories and Nunavut 41 Waste Solid Waste
6 1990 Northwest Territories and Nunavut 42 Waste Wastewater
sub_sector sub_sub_sector total co2eq unit
1 155.6784135 kt
2 y 2.115062503 kt
3 2.115062503 kt
4 y 38.29900869 kt
5 33.89287628 kt
6 4.230571112 kt
That’s not pretty, but it tells you a bit about what you’ve got: emissions by year, region, source (sector), and then three sub-sector categories with various levels of aggregation. There’s an indicator telling you whether or not the observation is a sector total, and finally the emissions and units columns.
You can also look at the data in the data window in the top right hand corner of r-studio to see what you’re looking at.
If you double-click on that, you’ll also open the data-viewer which can be handy, but also cumbersome for large data sets:
Fixing data types
Something I noticed after loading those data is that the my data set has ghg emissions (co2eq
) stored a character (chr
) variable. You can see this in the data window of your R-Studio session:
So, R thinks that the variable co2eq is a string (text). That’s not going to work well for graphing, so we’re going to have to make a quick change to that variable. This lets me introduce another command that you’ll use a lot: mutate
. We’re going to use a command to overwrite our existing data set in memory called ghg_data
. We’re going to use that pipeline %>%
command (the pass to), so what you see below is, in text:
over-write my data called ghg_data by taking ghg_data and changing the co2_eq column to a numeric data point
#talk yourself through it
# ghg_data is equal to ghg_data with co2eq converted to a numeric variable
<-ghg_data %>% mutate(co2eq=as.numeric(co2eq)) ghg_data
Any time you want to do a calculation on a variable (like a formula in Excel), you’ll use mutate. You can also use it, as I did above, with a self-reference to re-define a variable.
Filtering Data
Now, we know those data are a bit of a mess, but what if we wanted to extract on piece of information from those data: total emissions from Alberta for each year. We could use the concept of a filter. We’re going to use a command to create a new data set in memory called ab_ghgs
and we’ll build it by grabbing only some parts of our existing ghg_data
dataset. We’re again going to use the pipeline %>%
(or pass to) command so what you see below is, in text:
create a new data set called ab_ghgs by taking ghg_data and passing it through a filter what will keep only observations that have region equal to Alberta and source equal to Provincial Inventory Total, then select only the columns year, region, source, and co2eq from that filtered data
#talk yourself through it
# ab_ghgs is equal to ghg_data passed through a filter to catch only the observations that meet these conditions...
<-ghg_data %>% filter(region=="Alberta",source=="Provincial Inventory Total")%>%
ab_ghgs#and then we'll select four columns
You’ll notice that, after you run these commands, you should have a new data set in memory called ab_ghgs. Take a look at it.
Making Plots
So, now let’s use that Alberta data to make a basic graph. We’ll use ggplot (Grammar of Graphics plot), which effectively creates graphs in layers. All the data visualization in this class will use ggplot.
#ggplot is part of the tidyverse
ggplot(ab_ghgs)+ #create a plot
#add a line graph "geom"
Not bad - you’ve got a graph of Alberta’s official GHG emissions inventory from 1990 to 2020. But, it’s a bit ugly.
We can make it a bit nicer with a few additions: title, subtitle, axis labels, and fixing the x and y axes.
#ggplot is part of the tidyverse
ggplot(ab_ghgs)+ #create a plot
#add a line graph "geom"
#fix the x scales so that they don't add buffer spaces
expand_limits(y=c(0,300))+ #make sure the y axis goes to zero
#now add some titles
labs(title="Alberta's GHG Emissions",
subtitle="Source: Canada's Official Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 2024",
y="Emissions (Mt)")
Eventually, we’ll have you making some nicer graphs like this one from my data projects page made from those same data:
The big things I want you to take away from this are 1) I got R working on my computer; 2) I used code to download data from the internet; 3) I used code to clean those data; 4) I made a graph with those data. How many of you could say more than 2 of those things before today?
And, if you did that all correctly, you’ve got a nice recipe card in your script window of all the commands to do this.
Now, if you want to see the power of this tool, copy and paste the code you used to make a graph of Alberta emissions to make a graph for Canada too:
That’s what I mean by teaching you through the use of code chunks that you can modify for your own work.